Disclosure of Expert Notice
Expert Consultant (Non-Testifying)
No person is permitted to disclose the engagement of Forensic Alcohol Consulting and Training, LLC , (F.A.C.T) or Matthew Malhiot to ANY other party, person or organization participating in or having any interest in the cause of action until the Consulting & Expert Witness Agreement has been signed and returned AND F.A.C.T. has been paid the proper fees associated with being named a "consulting expert" (non-testifying). Upon receipt of payment for the consulting/case review, a party may disclose F.A.C.T. as a "Consulting Expert" (Non-Testifying).
Expert Witness (Testifying Expert)
Upon receipt of payment for court, then and only then, may a person disclose FACT or Matthew Malhiot as a "Testifying Expert Witness".
Please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Malhiot at (678) 880-3171 with any questions or concerns you may have regarding the disclosure of Matthew Malhiot as an expert.