Pro Bono Expert Services for Criminal Defense - DUI Cases
Forensic Alcohol Consulting and Training, LLC will represent a single indigent defendant per month. No rush cases.
Case Review (Traffic Stop, SFST, HGN, PBT, Arrest/Implied Consent, Videos, Evidentiary Breath Test Result, and In-take interview with defendant to determine any possible situations/conditions present that may have affected the BAC result), Audit of the Breath Alcohol Machine and Phone Consultation with findings, provided free of charge (Reduced fee incurred for comprehensive, written report)
No cost for "single day" Court Appearance/Testimony within the Metro Atlanta area. For court appearances, outside the Metro Atlanta area, travel expense may be charged, depending on distrance of travel. For court appearances, outside of Georgia, the actual cost of travel will be due, prior to travel date.
Defendant must be either represented by a Public Defender, other Indigent Defense Provider, with no available funds. Case reviews and litigation support services are available for defendants, not represented by an attorney.
Notice to Defendants: While I can help you by reviewing your case and providing my expert opinion, regarding my findings, we are not attorneys. Therefore, while we can offer litigation support services, we can not provide legal advice. While we do encourage you to hire an attorney, most of the defendants we provide pro bono services to are those who cannot afford an attorney, but still did not qualify for indigent status.
Notice to Public Defenders or other Indigent Defense Providers: Documentation of Indigent Status must be provided, prior to sending any discovery.
Please contact our office at (678) 880-3171 for more information.